Welcome Home to Fredsville. There is a place for you here.
We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.
Liberated by our faith in Jesus Christ, we embrace you as a whole person--questions, complexities and all.
Join us as we do God’s work in Christ’s name for the life of the world.
We seek to provide opportunites for all to grow through worship, prayer, study, fellowship and service.
We seek God's guidance in deepening our scriptural understanding and strengthening our commitment to discipleship.
We welcome you to join us, so that we may grow in Christ together.
Our Work Together:
Youth Education / Handbell Choir / Adult Choir
Little Free Pantry / Lutheran World Relief Quilting / Family Clothes Closet
Scholarships / Generous Community Service Investment
Wednesdays in Lent at SLICE in Dike
* 6:30pm - Food & Fellowship
* 7:00pm - Prayer & Discussion
The Flock - March 26
Lent Collection for Lutheran World Relief Kits
Sunday School - Following Worship
* Save the Date *
Sunday, April 6 - AEBLESKIVER!
Holy Week Schedule
April 13 - Palm Sunday - 9:30am
April 17 - Maunday Thursday at Dike UMC
April 18 - Good Friday at Fredsville - 7:00pm
April 20 - EASTER SUNDAY! - 9:30am
The Clothing Closet is open by appointment
Pick-up / Drop-off, Monday-Friday from 9:00-1:00
Solar Energy at Fredsville (28.8 kW)
Click the "Fredsville Solar Energy" button above to see more.
The Future is Bright at Fredsville!
Northeastern Iowa Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America