Generosity is integral to the ministry of Fredsville Lutheran Church. We established our endowment fund to grow the outreach ministry of our congregation, to support the people and community around us. Fredsville has been practicing not only the stewardship of finacial resources but of Creation also. Fredsville recieved 225 acres of farmland in Grundy County that we utilize this gift for endowment fund ministry, including grants and scholarships. Fredsville is invested in the future of God's beloved people.


Community service organizations are eligible to apply for grants. The application must be signed and received by the church office by March 1 for spring distribution. When funds are sufficient, a fall distribution also occurs with a November 1 deadline for applications to be received.

College Scholarships

Funding is available for the spring semesters of students’ undergraduate studies. To be eligible, students or at least one of their parents / guardians must have received communion at Fredsville and made a documented financial contribution within the past two years. Students can qualify four times within five years of their high school graduation or attainment of a GED. There is also a four-year grace period for students who enter the military upon their graduation from high school

To apply, the application form below must be received at the church office no later than September 30, 2024. It may be mailed, delivered, or e-mailed ( If the student has any special financial circumstances (i.e. work study limitations, NCAA scholarship guidelines, etc.), that information and any necessary forms should be included with your application.

If you have any questions, please contact the church office.

Camp Scholarships

Youth in the Fredsville congregation are eligible to apply for scholarships to reimburse a portion of the cost to attend a Christian summer camp. Applications must be signed and received in the church office by March 1. Prior to issuing a reimbursement check, the church must receive a receipt showing the full cost of attending the camp has been paid.