Each summer Fredsville hosts an exciting Vacation Bible School program with stories, songs, crafts, snacks, and even Danish dancing! This year's program will meet from 6-8:15 p.m. from July 21-24. All youth who are at least 3 years old through entering fifth grade are invited, regardless of background or church membership. There is no cost to participate. Pre-registration is helpful to ensure we get enough supplies and food, as well as being prepared for any special dietary needs. However, children can be registered at the door.
Youth entering 6th grade and above and adults of any age are invited to volunteer. Roles needed include:
- Activity leaders: Lead one activity station throughout the night such as outdoor games, crafts, story, etc.
- Group guides: Guide children between activity stations throughout the night and provide support as needed. (Advance preparation not required)
- Activity assistants: Be present to support a specific activity station (crafts, games, etc) throughout the evening.
- Snack help: Prepare, serve, and clean up from snacks
- Decorating (done in advance)
- Decoration clean up following VBS.
Please contact the church office at fredsville@fredsvillelutheran.org or (319) 989-2065 to volunteer, pre-register over the phone, or get more information.